Saturday, July 4, 2020

اس دور میں تعلیم انسان کے لیے زندگی کی مانند ہے۔

  • البیان فاونڈیشن بلتستان
  • سلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہِ وبرکاتہ
  • اس دور میں تعلیم انسان کے لیے زندگی کی مانند ہے۔ اگر کوئی شخص تعلیم سے دور ہو تو اس کو اس دور  میں ایک وقت کی روٹی ملنا مشکل ہے۔
  • انسان علم حاصل کرنے کے بعد اس کو یہ شعور آنا چاہیے  جو کچھ اس نے حاصل کیا ہے اسے  دوسروں تک بھی پہنچائیں خصوصا اُن غریبوں تک جن کو علم حاصل کرنے کے لیے کوئی موقع میسر نہیں۔ اپنے علاقوں میں تعلیمی مراکز نہیں ہوتے ہیں اور دوسرے علاقوں میں جاکر علم حاصل کرنے کے لیے ان کے پاس اتنی دولت بھی نہیں ایسے غریبوں کی تعلیم کے لیے کوئی بندو بست کرنا اِس سے بہتر کارِ خیر دنیا میں نہیں ہوگا۔
  • پاکستان کے شمال میں پہاڑوں( K2کے ٹو) کے درمیان میں واقع بلتستان کے ضلع شگر باشہ  کے عوام غربت کے لکیر سے نیچے زندگی کررہے ہیں ان کے پاس تجارت کرنے کے لیے کویئ مواقع میسر نہیں کیونکہ سال کا چھے ماہ برف سے ڈھکی رہتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے شہروں سے ملانے والے راستہ برف کے تودہ گرنے سے بند رہتاہے اورروڈ  انتہائی تنگ و خطرناک ہونے کی وجہ سے بند رہتے ہیں اور ملازمت کےلیے وہاں کوئی کمپنی یا سرکاری ادارہ نہیں ہے جس میں لوگ جاکر کام کرسکیں اور پہاڑی علاقہ ہونے کی وجہ سے زراعت کرنے کے لیے  زمین بھی نہیں ہے  ۔ان تمام مشکلات کی وجہ سے غربت بہت زیادہ ہے ۔ اور حکومت پاکستان کی طرف سے کوئی خاص توجہ بھی نہیں ہے ۔بچوں کےلیے کوئی سرکاری سکول نہیں ہے اور دوسرے علاقوں میں جاکر تعلیم حاصل کرنے لیے لوگوں کے پاس کوئی آمدنی بھی نہیں ہے کہ وہ جیپ  خرچ کرکے بچوں کی تعلیمی اخراجات برداشت کرسکیں ۔
  •  یہ علاقہ اس جدید دور میں تعلیم و صحت کے سہولیات سے محروم  اعلیٰ تعلیم تو دور کی بات ابتدائی تعلیم کے لیے کوئی پرائمری سکول نہیں تھا ان مشکلات کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے ہم نے ایک ادارہ ''البیان فاونڈیشن بلتستان''تشکیل دیا  تاکہ ان  بچوں و بچیوں کو تعلیم کے زیور سے آرستہ کرسکے ۔ ایک مومن کی مدد سے یہ ادارہ چل رہاتھا اس ادارے کے زیر نگرانی میں
  •  ایک مڈل سکول
  • تین پرائمری سکول
  •  19Preschools and Early Childhood Education center
  • چل رہے تھے اس بیماری (وبا) کی وجہ سے ادارے کی آمدنی ٪99بند  ہوئی ہے ادارہ کے لیے خطرہ کی گنٹی بج رہی ہے   اگر یہ ادارہ بند ہوا تو یہ غریب بچے جہالت و اندھیری میں گر جائیں گے اس لیے آپ تمام مخیر حضرات سے گزارش کرتے ہیں کہ اس ادارے کےساتھ تعاون کریں تاکہ ان غریب  غریب بچوں و بچیوں کےلیےباب علم بند نہ ہوجائے۔ 
  • یہ علاقہ صحت کے حوالے سے پریشان کُن ہے کوئی بھی صحت کے مراکز نہیں ہے  اگر کسی کو کوئی معمولی سا بخار آجائے تو دینے کے لیے کوئی ڈسپنسر ی نہیں ہے ۔ لیکن پہاڑی علاقہ ہونے کی وجہ سے حادثات روز کا معمول ہے ۔کسی کو پہاڑ سے پتھر گرنے سے  زخمی کردیتے ہیں۔کسی کو پہاڑ سے پاوں پھسل کر ذخمی ہوتے ہیں ۔ لیکن ان کو  کوئی مرھم پٹی کی سہولت نہیں ہے۔
  • علاقہ  میں پانچ سال سے مسلسل ہر سال آتشگی ہورہی ہے سینکڑوں جانیں جلس کر خاک ہورہے ہیں لیکن ہمارے پاس نہ اس آگ کو بجھانے کے لیے  کوئی فائربرگیڈ گاڑی ہے نہ ان بے گھر افراد کودینے کے گھر و خیمہ )عارضی گھر )ہے اور نہ ان کو کھانےپینے کے لیے کوئی چیز ہمارے پاس میسر ہوتے ہیں۔
  • ہم ان مشکات کو حل کرنے کے لیے ہر ممکن کوشش کررہے ہیں آپ تمام مخیرحضرات سے عرض کرتے ہیں کہ البیان فاونڈیشن کےساتھ تعاون کریں ان شاءاللہ آپ کے تعاون سے  ان غریبوں کے مشکل آسان ہونگے  اور بہتر زندگی گزارنے کے مواقع فراہم ہو نگے ۔
  • ادارے کےساتھ تعاون مختلف طریقوں سے کیا جاسکتاہے۔ 
  • 1۔ ماہانہ چندہ دیکر
  •  2۔ زکواۃ ادارہ کو دیں
  •  3۔ ماہ رمضان المبارک کا فطرہ ادارہ کو دیں۔
  •  4۔ خمس ادارہ کو دیں( مال وجوہات کےلیے مراجع عظام کے اجازت نامہ موجود ہیں)
  •    5۔ اپنے عزیزوں کے ایصال ثواب و بلندی درجات کےلیے سکول تاسیس کریں۔ 

Welcome to the Albayan Foundation Baltistan

Welcome to the Albayan Foundation Baltistan

The Albayan Foundation Baltistan (AFB) is a locally based, non-profit organisation working for the development of the people of the Basha Valley in Baltistan, an isolated mountain region in northern Pakistan. The AFB finances projects in Education, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Health and Gender Equality.

Teachers Required

Al-Bayan Foundation Baltistan
Teachers Required 

AL.Bayan Foundation Baltistan is new established locally based, non-profit organization committed to serve in the field of education in remote areas especially for Basha region. For this purpose AL.Bayan Foundation is looking for qualified and committed teachers.
No.Of Post
 Three vacancies are are available 

 Eligibility Criteria :
 Qualification :
B.A / B.Sc
Preference will be given for M.ed/B.ed.
Permanent residents of UC Basha.
Male/ female both are applicable.

 Location : The vacant seats are laying in primary school and Sab school Bain Basha.

Interested candidates can contact the following numbers

Primary School Support
Work with community leaders to establish local education committees that hire local teachers and enroll all children in school.
Partner with communities to identify and secure ongoing financial support ensuring the continuation of educational successes long after Al Bayan Foundation Baltistanis gone.
Support consists of: teacher salaries and professional Development, student tuition assistance, school supplies and Materials, uniforms, and support to ensure a friendly school environment.
Secondary School Support
Provide financial, academic, and social/emotional support for child to continue their education beyond primary school.
Support consists of: tuition assistance, room and board, school supplies, transportation to/from school, ongoing mentorship and life-skills training.
Direct Support for Primary and Secondary School Students Primary school expenses add up to approximately $1200/year, which is often a significant enough barrier for parents to keep girls out of school to help at home and in the fields. Secondary school boarding and tuition fees of approximately $1,000/year are also often times too financially burdensome for families.
Scholarship recipients are selected based on financial need, academic merit, and a child's commitment to serving her community.
Once selected, our secondary school students are matched with female Al Bayan Foundation Baltistans taff or interns who mentor our students and conduct monthly check-ins. Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan
Foundation also helps to prepare child for success in school and life with workshops on hygiene, nutrition, and academic skills.
Preschools and Early Childhood Education
In remote regions of Pakistan most children do not start school until they are one years old. Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan serves communities where the majority of the adult population is illiterate and the consequences of a one-year-old starting school with no foundation of formal learning can be devastating. Mothers and children talk about a daughter or son’s discouraging first day of school when they often times don’t speak the same language as their teachers. These first formal years of education are incredibly significant for the success and future of a child’s education past primary school.
Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan provides preschool programs for communities to teach children ages four to one years old basic language, social, and formal learning skills to help them succeed in primary school.

Bilas {Aims and objectives}

Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan
Education system,
The responsibilities of this section are as follows. As providing basic and quality education is an important issue in area. To solve educational problems building of school and colleges and providing the facilities to experienced personals, so that areas educational problems can be solved. Providing stationary and uniform to students is also included.

Sponsorship section of orphans
Under this section of Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan, orphans will be sponsored in best way. Along with their educational expenses household expenses will be beard by the Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan.

Building up Hostel
Those who are pursuing higher education including in skardu and other big cities Best hostels, and facilitation with computer lab and library are included.

Disaster management
The fundamental goal of this program is that, in case of any natural disaster for example flood, fire in time with appropriate measures to minimize the intensity of the damage. To move forward in organize way in relief and rescue activities, and for mutual understanding with scouts, departments, volunteers and other social departments and organizations National volunteer program will be initiated. In entire country, a working relationship will be build up with those who are working voluntarily. Rehabilitation of victims, and helping victims irrespective of their cast or color on transparent basis and planning on solid basis to return their life to normal routine.

Scouting programs
The fundamental goal of this program of Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan is that in case of any natural disaster for example flood, fire, or avalanche taking in time measures to minimize the intensity of the damage. To move forward rescue activities in organized way training of scouts on rescue pattern along with that providing ambulance and fire brigade service. For this program help will be taken from rescue 1122.
Sustainable and long term planning
Under this plan of Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan, speed of providing different fundamental needs to society will be analyzed from different angles. And under this removing different hurdles in progress will be taken into the account. As a result, manpower, wealth and intellectual resources are utilized. To fulfill fundamental need of human life direct or indirect measures are taken.

Department of Coordination
Under this section contacts are established between different welfare and social organizations and departments working in entire country. And an attempt is made to increase cooperation and
understanding in welfare activities. To every possible extent coordination and sharing of experiences working relationships are developed.
Survey and research Department
Under this section analysis is carried out for difficulties of needy and deserving people and a detailed survey report is compiled. To act in accordance with these reports suggestions are compiled.
Building small plans their implementation
This section as per suggestions highlighted by research department for small plans like Nursery forms, water supply, filter plants, providing seeds and fertilizer, small loans for business and farmers, contribution to the marriage of poor and needy boys and girls and for treatment of deserving patients are the included plans. These plans after completion will be made accessible to the donors and after their approval will be acted upon.

Department of Public Health
This department is responsible to construction of health centers on pattern of dispensaries and hospitals will all necessities of health to provide basic facilities of health to the public. To stop spread of viral diseases in area especially cancer, paralysis and polio taking contribution from national hospitals and health centers.
Department of publications
This department is responsible to promote educational and intellectual and moral growth introducing cable and magazines. Providing advices to stop diseases an introducing advice related to farming to the public.
Department of Training center
This section is responsible that for boys and girls of area building up computer center, handicraft school, agriculture and forestry training centers and appointing best teachers so every youth become skillfull.
Department of protection of public property
Al Bayan Foundation Baltistan’s this program is to protect public property, as there are many organizations that work but shortly after the ending of project, these are looted by builders and other mafias. Many electric power plants that are not being used for public and public assets are being wasted. Water supply lines pipes are cut and being used for own homes. All these will be protected and public will be benefited.
Department of forest protection
In our area, many forests are being wasted and growth of forest is nearly freeze and forest trees are cut and business is done by it. Nearly half of the forest is left.

Al-Bayan Foundation Baltistan Donate Now

Al-Bayan Foundation Baltistan

Donate Now

In this age, education is the lifeblood of human beings. If a person is away from education, it is difficult for him to get one-time bread. After acquiring knowledge, a person should be aware that after acquiring knowledge, he should pass it on to others, especially to the poor who have no opportunity to acquire knowledge. There are no educational centers in their areas and they go to other areas to get education. They do not have the resources to do so. There is nothing better than arranging for the education of such poor people. The people of Basha and Baraldu valley Shigar Baltistan, nestled in the middle of the northern mountains of Pakistan, are living below the poverty line. Roads are closed due to avalanches and the roads are very narrow and dangerous. There are no public or private institutions for employment in which people can go and work and poverty is very high due to the hilly terrain. And there is no special attention from the government of Pakistan. There is no government school for children and they have they do not have enough income to go to other areas to get education and they cannot afford to pay for their children's education. These areas are deprived of education and health facilities in this modern age. Higher education is far from being a primary school for primary education. Keeping these difficulties in mind, we have formed an Al-Bayan Foundation session
The organization was run with the help of a believer. It had one middle school, three primary schools and 19 pre-educational and early childhood centers under its supervision. And the alarm bells are ringing for the survival of the organization. If this organization closes, these poor children will fall into the darkness of ignorance. Therefore, we ask all of you philanthropists to cooperate with this organization as much as possible the doors of knowledge are not closed.
This area is very health related. There are no health centers. Even if someone has a slight fever, there is no dispensary for him, but due to the hilly terrain, accidents are a daily occurrence. He gets injured due to hitting a rock and someone gets injured by slipping off a mountain. But there is no facility for his bandage.
The area has been on fire for the past five years and hundreds of lives have been burnt to ashes, but we do not have a fire brigade vehicle or a house or tent for these homeless people. Nor do we have any food to feed them
We are doing our best to solve these problems. We request all the philanthropists to cooperate fully with Al-Bayan Foundation. Inshallah, with your cooperation, the problems of these poor people will be eased and with your help, these people will also have opportunities to live a better life. Cooperation with the organization can be done in different ways.
 1. By making monthly donations.
 2. by paying Zakat.
 3. By performing the fitra of Ramadan.
4.  By  daily paying Sadqa 
5. By paying khums (permission of great authority is available).
6. Establish schools and madrasa for your loved ones and loved ones.

Monthly Expenses:
$150 dollars for a middle school teacher.
$100 dollars from a primary school teacher.
$50 dollars for an early child school {Darul Quran}teacher.                                               


Contact No.

ادارہ البیان فاؤنڈیشن کے اغراض و مقاصد

ادارہ البیان فاؤنڈیشن کے اغراض و مقاصد بیشک دین کا احیاء اور اس کی نشرو اشاعت شریعت اسلامی کے ان اولین مقاصد اور عظیم اہداف میں سے ہے جس ک...